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#1 2019-03-27 19:37:22

登録日: 2019-03-27
投稿: 1

My system sporadically hangs at shutdown or reboot.

Hello everyone,,
I've been trying to find the source of this issue for a while now, and it seems like several people have experienced hangs, but they all seem to be related to software or configurations that I am not running. I'd appreciate any help pointing me in the right direction. I want a fix, but I'd also really like to understand what is going on and why so I can understand it.

My System

Kernel: 5.0.4-arch1-1-ARCH DE: KDE CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (12) @ 3.4 GHz GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 550 640SP Using systemd

Problem Summary

It doesn't happen every time, which makes it odd. But when it does happen, the system stops, and I get a black screen with a flashing cursor, but the system never actually powers off. This has happened with the following:

shutdown 0



initiating a shutdown from KDE start menu

initiating a reboot from KDE start menu

Since it doesn't happen every time, I suspect it might be related to some hung process somewhere. However, it sometimes occurs if I do absolutely nothing besides logging in (I do not have my DM start automatically) and sending "shutdown." Also, I have noticed that this issue has been sporadic ever since the final few releases of the 4.x.x kernel.

I'd appreciate any ideas or thoughts to entertain. Thanks for the help.


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